

俚语 dusen


clearly, and litterally a butt hole.
man i got a huge dusenberry, and it's hanging out of my shorts.

dusen dusen

To pelt or hit multiple times
Typical Americans, go back to your street malls and drink your Zimas and Smirnoff Ices and punch each other silly und ja, und dusen dusen!

(Must be said in a deep German accent while motioning punches.)

Van Dusen

To get the hell or fuck out of a place or situation.
If you want to leave any place or situation just tell your buddy "lets Van Dusen."

Van Dusen

1. Fecal Matter, the contents of one's colon or rectum.

2. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language, worthless, deceptive, or insincere. Pretentious, insolent talk or behavior. i.e. bullshit. Or one who engages in such behaviors i.e. a poser.

Often used in certain fixed constructions e.g.
To pull a Van Dusen, to drop a Van Dusen.
1. I'll be there shortly, gotta go drop a van dusen first.

2. Did you hear that guy who wouldn't shut up about St. Augustine? Jeez, what a Van Dusen.

Van dusen

A basement boy afraid to leave the house.

Mistakes opinions for facts commonly
I’m a van dusen, Google me rn. The jab saved my family. That’s a fact.

tony van dusen

Fuck this guy
Tony Van Dusen is a dick




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