

俚语 dwebs


dWeb Pronounced /dee-Web/ abbreviation decentralized web. A solution to years of tyranny, repression and theft. See Freedom. Synonyms: Bitcoin, Choice, Rights. Antonyms: Dictator, Fiat currency.
YouTube just banned my video for no apparent reason! I am tired of being censored. I am posting my video on the dWeb so no one can take it down but me!


A group of websites that are data driven, or rely on data for their existence. Each website providing its own specialized information, but together providing the complete picture. A dWeb for a certain travel destination would be a group of sites that provide information on dining, entertainment, lodging, etc. Together, they provide a complete dWeb.
That website is such a dWeb, you can find everything there.


Combination of "web" and "dweeb". Individual who spends the majority of their waking hours on the internet. In particular, they indulge in posting links to deliberately disgusting or obscene websites throughout forums, and/or seek "hook-ups" in chatrooms.

(Hopefully someone else or myself could come up with a better synonym in the future.)
I often wonder if these dwebs have a recognizable occupation outside of cyberspace.


A certain person that is ironically correct during an argument, however used to "abuse" them to correctly end an argument, and fail.
*Argument lost*
Jane: I dont care, You set of "Dwebs"


Somebody who is so simple and unintelligent that they are nearly incapable of functioning. Such a person is beneath those classified as dweeb and buffoon.
“How could you misspell your own name you dweb!”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:58:25