I have dyslexia and it is a lot more than just getting numbers and letters mixed up. your brain also learns in a completly different way. for example i almost failed the first grade because i could not read. my teacher told my parents that if i could not read on a first grade level by the end of the summer she was going to have to fail me. my parents then took me to a psychologist and she diagnosed me with Dyslexia and ADD. my parents found a tutor that knew how to teach kids with dyslexia, and in 2 months i was on a 4th grade reading level. it also effects my spelling. small words such as it i forget how to spell. I am now in the 11th grade have a 4.5 GPA i am taking college classes and i am in the top 6% of my class.
having dyslexia does not mean that you are stupid.
having dyslexia does not mean that you are stupid.
you're dylexsick