

俚语 eagle talon

eagle talon

A Chrysler badged version of the Mitsubishi Eclipse, produced from 1990 to 1998.
That eagle talon just smoked my honda

eagle talon

A sex act involving a girl, a guy and a trampoline. The girl lays on the ground doggie style and the guy jumps off the trampoline. In midair, he, possibly successfully, places his cock in the girl's pussy.
Let's eagle talon her!

Eagle Talon

A sexual position involving a trampoline. The female gets on all fours, assuming a doggie-style position on the ground. The male then proceeds to jump on a trampoline nearby and, when he feels he has reached a sufficient height, he jumps off the tramp and inserts his erect penis into the female's awaiting asshole, much like an eagle swooping down to catch its prey. Few attempt the eagle talon, and even fewer succeed.
Ross - "Hey did you hear about Nick? I guess he fucked his girlfriend last night eagle talon style."
Mike - "Wow, Nick sure is fresh to death."

Eagle Talon

A swooping of the middle finger into another's rectum while mimicking the Eagles attack screech.
Michael gave Edgar the most hardcore eagle talon I've ever seen.

eagle taloned

in rock, paper, scissors, a move sometimes considered cheating. it is the act of holding the middle and index finger slightly curled which gives the player a chance to turn into a rock, or scissors, effectively beating any move the opponent makes
man 1: oh yea! i win!
man 2: man..whatever! you totally eagle taloned me!

eagle talon screech

When you eagle talon a girl and she lets out a scream (possibly suggesting that they don't want to be fucked). That process is reminiscient of an eagle swooping down and screeching.
Hey, do you want to eagle talon her?

No, it'll just be an eagle talon screech!




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