

俚语 eaker


A person who is a combination of following:

Not too smart
Doesn't think things through
Exaggerates a lot
"Dude, I got with this girl who was so fucking hot last night"

"Shut up Eaker! Are you talking about that sea creature you were with?"



If someone is an eaker,they are ungrateful for what they got and want something better, they then complain for hours what they wanted instead of what you got them/what they have.
Person: Hey! I bought you this iPhone 11.

Person 2: Ugh,but I wanted the iPhone 11 Pro Max! Seriosuly why didn’t you get me the iPhone 11 Pro Max ugh.

Person: Oh my gosh you’re such an eaker! I can’t stand this.


Eakers are fake shoes so you take out the S in Sneaker, because obviously their not real shoes.
Dude Look at Cody's Sneakers!!
Yeah, bro more like eakers!!!

Eaker Peaker

it’s when you don’t stop annoying people and keep looking at there phone and bothering them
“You’re an eaker peaker and really annoying.”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:41:46