

俚语 eaten


to be mugged or jacked by somebody else.
"oh my days ave u heard wat appened 2 aaron, he got eaten"


Having lost a man, life etc. in a video game, such as Pac-Man
When a player gets eaten in Make Trax, his paintbrush is turned into a cowboy hat and the machine plays "The Twelfth Street Rag."

eat or be eaten

The idea that if you do not work your ass off, then someone else will beat you to it and potentially take advantage of you. It is the concept of fighting to be the best and come out on top or else you'll just be another unimportant number.

A fight or flight mechanism where only the strong win and survive.
Friend: "How'd you get that promotion and come out on top?'"
Me: "I worked harder than everyone else, didn't take shit from anyone, never quit, and beat everybody else to it."

Friend: "Hell yeah bro! Eat or be eaten!"

Eaten themself

A person is so fat they look like they have eaten themselves and there is 2 of that person, one person inside and one person outside.
That person is so fat it looks like they have eaten themself

eaten out

Most commonly used as slang for when a girl receives oral sex. Can also mean when a guy receives a blow job.

Girls love to be eaten out.
I'm a giver, she loves it when I eat her out.

Guys be sure your girl gets clean down there before you goto the fish market, nobody likes to eat rotten tuna.

Eaten Clean

1. Eating a woman's pussy until she can no longer produce female lubricant.
She made me stop pleasuring her after she was Eaten Clean .

eaten alive

When you get excessively bit by mosquitos. Anything upwards of 3-4 mosquito bites in one instance constitutes being eaten alive.
Wow I was seriously eaten alive last night. I have 6 bites just on one leg!




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