

俚语 eating season

eating season

The period of time from Thanksgiving (or perhaps as early as Halloween depending on regional traditions) until Super Bowl Sunday, where every event involves an outrageous volume of food and everyone gets hugely fat.
I’m up two pants sizes since the start of eating season. I really have to dial it back. Wanna go grab a burger?

ass eating season

Known as “ass eating season”, late autumn and winter are considered the perfect time to eat some juicy ass.
I told my boyfriend he has to wait until ass eating season to get a slice of this ass.

Ass eating season

Ass eating season is right around the same time as firework season, which just so happens to be 365 days of the year
Hey bro, when is ass eating season? 365 days of the year brother

Ass Eating Season

Around late December to late February where everything has ice on it and when you try to walk you eat ass
Its Ass Eating Season, meaning falling down on ice during the winter months

Ass eating season

Ass eating season is right around the same time as firework season, which just so happens to be 365 days of the year
Hey bro, when is ass eating season,”365 days of the year brother”.

ass eating season

It's that type of season where you need to eat all the ass.
Dude 1"Dude it's that type of season." Dude 2 "What season". Dude 1 ass eating season




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:30:44