A novel by Haruki Murakami about the love story between a woman named Aomame and a man named Tengo. Published in Japan in three volumes in 2009-10, it fictionized the year 1984 as "1Q84" parallel to the real one. The protagonists traveled to this new world and noticed strange changes including two Moons appearing in the night sky, a group of strange creatures called "little people" that sort of controls the form of livings here, and a left-wing religious group in touch with them who are responsible for supernatural events. In the story, the two seemingly irrelevant characters eventually fall in love with each other and escaped from 1Q84 into yet another new parallel universe.
Unfortunately, there haven’t been any movie or anime adaptations of the novel....... The writer said that he was a huge fan of manga and animation but has barely the time to focus on those industries since he's busy writing the new book.
"Q" in the Japanese language sounds the same as number 9, and the title is a reference to George Orwell's novel 1984.
Edit: Some might feel uncomfortable and confused reading it since there are numerous depiction of sex scenes and violence. The story took an unusal narrative approach which divides the whole piece into two (later three) storylines depended on the character. But what a WONDERFUL BOOK to read ANYWAY
Unfortunately, there haven’t been any movie or anime adaptations of the novel....... The writer said that he was a huge fan of manga and animation but has barely the time to focus on those industries since he's busy writing the new book.
"Q" in the Japanese language sounds the same as number 9, and the title is a reference to George Orwell's novel 1984.
Edit: Some might feel uncomfortable and confused reading it since there are numerous depiction of sex scenes and violence. The story took an unusal narrative approach which divides the whole piece into two (later three) storylines depended on the character. But what a WONDERFUL BOOK to read ANYWAY
(This conversation happens in Japanese)
-Sup! What books do you read?
-The Big Brother's watching you!!!
-Shut up, Punk!
-Sup! What books do you read?
-The Big Brother's watching you!!!
-Shut up, Punk!