

俚语 efflowance


Definition: The quality or state of displaying graceful, flowing, and effeminate movements or mannerisms, especially in speech, gait, or gesture. Often associated with artistic expression, such as in dance, music, or visual arts, but can be applied to everyday behavior.

Adjective Form - Efflowant:
Definition: Characterized by or possessing the qualities of efflowance; gracefully flowing and effeminate.

Etymology: A fusion of “eff-” (as in effect, signifying external manifestation) and “flow” (as in flowing movement), combined with the suffix “-ance” to denote a state or quality. The adjective “Efflowant” carries the same root meanings.

Note: Unlike historical terms that might carry negative connotations regarding effeminate characteristics, “Efflowance” and its adjective “Efflowant” are neutral and descriptive terms, celebrating the grace and fluidity of the movements they describe.
Efflowance - “Did you see that performer’s efflowance on stage? The way they moved was hypnotizing.”

Efflowant - “Her dance was so efflowant, every movement seemed to glide effortlessly.”




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