

俚语 eggnogging


Eggnog, or egg nog, is a sweetened dairy-based beverage traditionally made with milk and/or cream, sugar, and whipped eggs (which gives it a frothy texture). Brandy, rum, whisky, bourbon, Kahlúa, vodka, or a combination of liquors are often added; and the finished serving would be garnished with a sprinkling of ground cinnamon or nutmeg.

Eggnog is a popular drink throughout the United States and Canada, and is usually associated with winter celebrations such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. Commercial non-alcoholic eggnog is typically available only in the winter season. Eggnog may be added as a flavoring to food or drinks such as coffee and tea. Eggnog as a custard can also be used as an ice cream base.
Hey Sandy what are you serving at the Christmas Party?
I am serving cookies, crackers and cheese, and for beverages, punch, beer, ginger ale, and of course Eggnog.


a delicious holiday beverage made from eggs cream and lots of other stuff.
doctor:code blue eggnog overdose!
nurse:how bad is it?
doctor: he drank 30 kg of it.


A Christmas themed word for when a man comes into a woman's mouth.
Boy 1: I heard you tapped that girl last night
Boy 2: Yeah, I gave her a good drink of eggnog.
Boy 1: Nice.


A winter-specific seasonal term for receiving oral sex. The term stemmed from the term word "noggin" which is colloquial language for the word "head".
Steve: Hey, did anything interesting happen at the christmas party last night?
Paul: Yeah, Stephanie gave me eggnog.
Steve: Oh, nice!


What your dad may come back with if you are well-behaved.
Bryson: Fuck milk, let's instead have eggnog.



to completely fill a glass or clear bong or pipe with marijuana smoke to a point at which the chamber(s) is completely white, and can no longer be seen through


the smoke held within a chamber that cannot be seen through because of the large quantity of said smoke


a hit of a bong or pipe that was opaque with smoke
Dude, I don't know how, but you just completely eggnogged AND CLEARED my new bong!

Tasty eggnog, eh?

There's the eggnog hit you were waiting for.


a albino nigga..picture a skinny black dude with a blonde fro goin on instead of a nig nog its a egg nog
y0 sup my eggnog




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