

俚语 egle


Most stunning, amazing, EAGLER in the world, captivates my heart and body. Loved by many. Obsessed by one. Will you marry me? xx Eliza.
"Have you seen that Egle, she's so fine! Get in my belly!"



the essence of awesomeness and attitude
During the pickleball game yesterday, that kick ass girll egle-ed the other team.


Egle is the most nicest person on this planet, i love them, the words just can't explain how much they mean to me, they deserve the WHOLEEE wold and i love them and appreciate them <33
Egle we love you<3


an abbreviation of elegant gothic lolita
she dresses egl


Acronymn meaning Elegant Gothic Lolita, a style popularized by the teens in Harajuku and Mana, the guitarist for the band Moi Dix Mois and Malice Mizer. Typical EGL clothes consist of things worn hundreds of years ago (such as peticoats, frilly shirts, stockings, etc) only in more dark colours and styles.
Mana designs EGL clothes for his clothing label Moi-Meme-Moitie.


Using Google to look up your own name, usually for the ego boost of seeing your name somewhere. Shortened from EGo boost from gooGLE.
I am so happy, I EGLED myself yesterday and my name came up 20 times!


Exposed gum line. An unfortunate facial flaw an otherwise attractive female suffers from when there's a disproportionate amount of gum showing above her upper teeth.
Trevor - "man she's hot"
Clive - "wait until you see her smile, she's got EGL big time, like a tranquilized Kelly Rowland"
Trevor - "yeah, you're right...I don't think she even possesses a set of adult teeth"




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