

俚语 egor the eagle

Egor the Eagle

The mascot for the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles rugby league team. Egor's legend grew after an incident that occured on the sideline during a match between rivals Manly and the Newcastle Knights at Bluetongue Stadium, Gosford. A drunk Newcastle fan who was sick of seeing his team getting it's ass whooped, jumped the fence and suckerpunched an oblivious Egor, who was busy working the crowd. Upon realising the situation, Egor proceeded to bash the absolute shit out the man to the rapturous applause of the crowd.
The event has since entered Australian sporting folklore and established Egor as a man in an eagle suit not to be fucked with.
Guy 1 - "Which mascot would you not want to fuck with?"
Guy 2 - "Egor the Eagle."




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