

俚语 e-hole


(1) Anyone who rips you off via the internet
(2) Anyone who posts know-it-all, irritating, or bullying messages on internet bulletin boards

syn. flame, flamer, ass hole
1. I bought a cell phone off of ebay two weeks ago, but that e-hole never sent me my phone.

2. That e-hole is always flaming on this bulletin board.


Depression caused by overdose of estrogen.
You will feel better soon, your just in an e-hole.


an attack or censorship on a celebrity by the media, entertainment industry, or information highway for expressing 1st Amendment opinions against a certain group of people or a individual person(s)
Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty got A&E Holed for expressing his opinions of the behavior of homosexuals, and got kicked off his T.V. show

e hole

A person that send you useless mass emails. Usually jokes or chain-letters.
"Look, more crap from that e hole Bla Bla... He's screwing up my machine".


anyone who abuses or is rude on their computer and or internet.
Some E-hole wrote a bogus website review


Electronic Hole. As is watching too much on the screen, computer, internet, right!?
Im in such an e-hole as I cant stop watching whatever is presented to me after I already watched what I was intending on only watching. Something keeps coming up that grabs my attention, then I encouraged and seeming eager to continue watching more, down the e-hole we go.




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