The act of making money online. Specifically by selling products electronic items on Ebay or Craiglist. really set the standard for eHustling.
Aggressive entrepreneurial pursuit; moving, shaking, sharing, selling, promoting, using the web as the platform for diverse forms commerce and communication while maintaining social responsibility.
1675 From Dutch: husselen/hutselen "to shake, to toss", from Middle Dutch hutselen "to shake the money in the game of hustle-cap".
1675 From Dutch: husselen/hutselen "to shake, to toss", from Middle Dutch hutselen "to shake the money in the game of hustle-cap".
"I ehustle my new album taking it directly to the people online."
The process of acquiring goods (legally or illegally) and selling them online for a profit, often through eBay.
Fuck a swap meet. You need to get with this eHustle.