

俚语 eiko


Eiko is a female, she is smart, kind, funny, beautiful, both inside and out. However, she is always lazy. She has a fun personality, and she loves reading. I’m guessing she has a pillow that she loves so much. I find that very cute.
Eiko is kind.
Oh wait, have you seen Eiko?

Hello Eiko, how are you today?


A girl with the name Eiko can really be hot. She is the type to know how to get any guys they want. But also only wants one guy and cares about them. Eiko is also a type that can cook and mostly CLEAN. She can also talk freaky whenever she feels like it.
Hey there Eiko!


a girl who is amazing, and beautiful. she is very misunderstood by everyone who meets her. She is very nice but can be mean when she wants to be. But her meanness is usually just trying to be funny. She is the most organized and kindest girl ever. She is seriously gifted in everything she does: music, academics, sports
WOW, im bored!

Let's call Eiko!


the most piratious pirate around.


Wow, he's cool.
Sleek and cunning, and VERY SILENT.
Damn you, talk =(
Things are bad in his life, but he's very optimistic.
What a cool guy.
Also the sound dolphins make.

Comes from me.
"Wow, he's suave, what an Eiko"

eiko and dominique brandao

two really attractive women
damn bro did you see eiko and dominique brandao, they were looking really fine


He's a clown, in the best of ways. he is obsessed with clowns
he also has a weird gender envy towards ruffly button up shirts, for some reason
What a nice shirt, big Eiko vibes




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更新时间:2024/9/20 0:00:12