

俚语 eisha


Eisha is the best person you'll ever meet. Treat her nice and you will be the most happiest person in the world. She cares for her people and when she grows older richness awaits for her. She's not a gold digger she's athletic,fast but also girly. Once she grows older everyone will adore her you should never judge quickly. If you have feelings for her you must tell her else your chance will be gone. Don't let that happen show your love for her. If you can't own up, treat her well. You don't want to loose an Eisha. She will have loads of friends and treat them nicely they will be the luckiest person in the world. Her relationship will be perfect make sure you let her know how you feel for her before it's too late. You DONT want to loose her. Who knows she may like u back
Person who's shy: Damn I really like Eisha but I'm not ganna say

Person who tells her: Damn she's nice and she likes me


Eisha is a dark brown haired girl and brown/black eyes. She is the most amazing person you'll ever meet she may seem weird at first but get to know her. If you treat her well she will treat you well you should NEVER let an Eisha go. Call dibs on her.She's athletic but girly she is fast. If your athletic she's perfect for you. She may seem ugly at a young age but when she's a teen everyone will be adoring her.She is going to achieve in life and be rich. Get her before your chance is lost
When you first see her: I don't like Eisha she's ugly
When u get to know her: Oh my gosh she is so pretty and kind I wish I could have her I call dibs


Coolest person in the world. Hands down.
Yo, There's Eisha! I wish I was as cool as her....


Eisha is a girl who seems cold when you first meet her but once she opens up she's one of the most loyal, funny people you'll meet! She's really sweet too and will do anything for her friends and s/o. She's really childish and has a baby face but she has a really side too, you just have to find it. ;) She most likely has resting bitch face 24/7 but she's just shy she can't help it.
When you just see her: Eisha is such a bitch ughh I hate her.

When you actually get to know her: I love Eisha so much she's so kinda omg


A name for girls. It is also written as Isha, Esha, Eesha, or Eshah. The meaning behind this name can vary from source to source, but the most common
"My friend, Eisha, is so nice!"


horny (mainly for adam)
man: you are eisha

eisha: hot


Eisha is the best and the most attractive person you will ever meet. Treat her nice and you will be the happiest person in the world. She is funny and intellectual. Eisha is a very physically attracting person with high intelligence. She genuinely cares for those she loves. Eisha will be the best wife. Eisha is a shy girl who often find difficulty in expressing her feelings. She’s not a gold digger and does not runs after money. She’s athletic but also girly. If you love her, you must tell her or otherwise your chance will be gone. Don’t let that happen, show your love for her. Express your feelings and treat her right or otherwise you will loose an EISHA. She’s popular and boys runs after her but Eisha doesn’t pay any attention to them. Eisha is a gem that’s hard to find, so if you’ve found her make sure not to lose her. Let her know how you feel for her because you don’t want to loose an Eisha from your life. Eisha is a beautiful girl with big eyes, beautiful hair, smooth skin and rosy cheeks.
You’re an amazing and beautiful person, oh you’re an eisha.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:40:42