

俚语 ejit


phonetic varation of "idiot" commonly spoken in ireland and some parts of uk
ye feckin ejit

Comment submitted: "I don't want to add another definition because this is the best. Having said that I, of course, don't want to delete it!!

I'd like to add 'ye daft ejit' as an alternative example for this definition. It was the most common 'ejit' phrase when I was growin up."


An irish way of saying idiot
Ah yeh wee ejit


a daft person.
you is a ejit.


Luke112 from LP's Thorn Tree. Also see asshole.
Who's the bloke pissin on the electric fence. He's a bloody ejit.


An Irish slang word used to describe some-one who is or acts like an idiot
"ya feckin ejit" "stop acting like an ejit" "your an ejit" etc.............

pigin (piggin) ejit

Often directed to young foolish and/or stupid children. Most probably of Irish and/or Scottish origin.
Stop rolling around in that mud boy, you pigin (piggin) ejit.
Will you calm down son and stop running arount like a madman, you pigin (piggin) ejit.
You pigin (piggin) ejit ya, youv'e gone and let the dog out.




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