Getting elbowed right in the tit. Often accidentally but may occur on purpose. Can create awkward situations.
Brad elboobed Chelsea and ruptured her water bra.
A tit to elbow connection on accident
*bumps into girls titties with elbow*
Girl:What the fuck whyd you elboob me?
Girl:What the fuck whyd you elboob me?
1)the act of acidentally ramming one's elbow into a female's breast; sometimes thought of as the female equivalent of a guy getting kicked in the junk
"I turned around not knowing she was there and totally elboobed her dead-center on her titty, which subsequently caused her to have a purple nurple until the areoleal bruise went away."
When a woman is so fat, the upper arm fat hangs over the elbow. An elboob.
Omg look at the elboob on that
Whenever someone accidentally or intentionally elbows you in the boob.
Jenny Elboobed me yesterday at Comicon in order to see David Tennet in person.