

俚语 electrical tape

electric tape

Why the hell are you searching up the word electric tape on urban dictionary.
May:what’s electric tape
Luke: I don’t know. Just don’t search it up on urban dictionary

electrical tape bra

This is where a girl get's electrical tape and places it over her nipples, in a cross shape, or a heart shape, or any shape, most popular is the cross shap using two strips of tape.
Let's make an electrical tape bra and put it on myspace

black electrical tape

A guaranteed-to-fit lingerie substitute. Sometimes abbreviated BET.
"I'll give you $10 if you put on some BET and run around..."

electric scotch tape

When you put on wool socks during sex, rub your feet on the floor, and shock them.
Dude I gave Jen an electric scotch tape last night!

Electrical Tape

Definition 1: While in a exited or disgusting mood and/ or feeling, the mans testicles or the womens clitoris, is so sticky, slimy, and vinegary, that there is nothing that will not stick to them.
My balls were acting up so bad they started to feel like Electrical Tape.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:17:37