When a word is pronounced like spelled out letters, such as okay, tepee, enemy, empty, beady, cutie, you, are, tea, bee, see, oh, queue, why, icy, easy, excess, decay, envy, kewpie, seedy, and so on.
Ellie and CeCe liked that their names were examples of elemenopy.
Having the property of sounding like a real English word. This word was invented to be an ironic definition for the sound of the letter sequence "LMNOP."
Is "ebolient" even a real word? I don't know, but it's got elemenopy.
(ehl-ehm-EHN-uh-pee) noun: The characteristic of pertaining to the English alphabet.
elemenopic (ehl-ehm-ehn-AWE-pick), adjective; -ically, adverb
elemenopic (ehl-ehm-ehn-AWE-pick), adjective; -ically, adverb
The sentence, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," has great elemenopy.
a cluster of miscellaneous items(pronounced L M N O P)
I was look for a certain item, but its an elemenopy in here
A commonly learned teaching or fact that is incorrect or misleading.
The fact that Daddy Long Legs have deadly poison but can't use it do to not having fangs is an Elemenopy