

俚语 elfia


Sorry, we do not have a definition yet for the name Elfia. We are regularly updating the name information, if we find information about the name Elfia we will add it to the page.

Elfia is a large log like creature that steals every left sock you own and then tries to be taller than you by wearing four inch platform boots.
Elfia stole my left sock.


Elfia is the hottest woman on earth and is incredibly funny ,everybody loves her , except « gros tarpé » because he’s dumb
i saw elfia on the bus yesterday, she’s so pretty !


when a woman is named Elfia she’s always really shy and hot , she’s made out of girlfriend material for any guy who have a big ass , she talk fast and is really dumb most of the time . Elfia’s are always artistic persons and are really creative. Most of the time they send nudes to random nerd guy they met and complain about it .
I saw Elfia writing on the wall yesterday, she’s dumb or what ?


Elfia can look very weird on the outside (wich is not negative too) but she's a really funny and interesting person inside, she never stop talking! About anything, really interesting to be with, she always had ideas and plans in her head, has amazing music taste and style, she go to a lot of "brocante" and "vide grenier", that's where she bought most of her clothes, she is very cool and pretty, her eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows and nose are so beautiful, I wish I had an name as original as you, elfia. Elfias are rare Pokémon cards, keep it in a safe space.
elfia:... and that's how I smoke with my little brother!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:08:49