elhas teezy
Verb - Arabic for "lick my ass"
Also used as a diss in the Arabic language. Used in many tones of speaking whether angry, comedic, or happy.
Also used as a diss in the Arabic language. Used in many tones of speaking whether angry, comedic, or happy.
Person 1: Oh my god! bro look at that girl over there shes a friday night for sure!!
Person 2: Buddy elhas teezy! shes not even a monday!
Another example:
Person 1: hahaha bro you kill me!!
Person 2: Buddy, Elhas Teezy!!
Person 2: Buddy elhas teezy! shes not even a monday!
Another example:
Person 1: hahaha bro you kill me!!
Person 2: Buddy, Elhas Teezy!!
Elhas teezy
It means "suck my ass" in Arabic
My buddy zayd pissed me off really badly
Me: buddy elhas teezy!!
Me: buddy elhas teezy!!
He’ll reply with shut up stupid whore and flick your head I’ve experienced it. He’s always right though but never prove him wrong or he’ll be talking for about 30 minutes about how he’s right.
Random bitch: elha you’re right
Elha: shut up stupid whore * flicks head *
Elha: shut up stupid whore * flicks head *
Stupid whore who likes to fuck around with a big mole on his neck he’s always right though I’ll give that to him. In any sentence he’ll reply with shut the fuck up stupid whore I’ve experienced it many times);.
Random bitch: Elha you are right
Elha: shut the fuck up stupid whore
Elha: shut the fuck up stupid whore
Elha is very nice person. She is really good at fucking. A beautiful person inside and outside. Really kinky shit. And horny. A literal hoe. Everyone loves her.
person 1: daymmm l slept with elha she was good as hell
person 2: damn l need to try her
person 2: damn l need to try her