Alliance of incredible erosion
The alliance of incredible erosion is a theoretical body of
political possibility, the alliance is, was, and always will be
in opposition with The brotherhood of fantastic corrosion.
The idea behind the alliance of incredible erosion is to
oppose every view the brotherhood of fantastic corrosion
has, to a completely equal degree, this equilibrium is a
representation and a juxtaposition of society, which is the
main friend and the main foe of each of the theoretical
political groups.
political possibility, the alliance is, was, and always will be
in opposition with The brotherhood of fantastic corrosion.
The idea behind the alliance of incredible erosion is to
oppose every view the brotherhood of fantastic corrosion
has, to a completely equal degree, this equilibrium is a
representation and a juxtaposition of society, which is the
main friend and the main foe of each of the theoretical
political groups.
the 'alliance of incredible erosion' opposes the brotherhood