

俚语 elohwhale (elowhale)

elohwhale (elowhale)

elowhale is a word invented by @mukdre. The root word of "elohwhale" comes from the word "lol." "Elohwhale" has a similar definition as "lol. The definition is when someone laughs so loud, the laugh comes out sounding almost like a whale. another definition of "elohwhale" is, when someone is acting funny or is making several jokes and"Eli is an elohwhale."
Elohwhale (elowhale) Definition:

A word that is used in a funny or ironic situation

Sarah: "the other Sarah elohwhaled in class today."

Eli: " the other sarah is an elohwhale."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 7:59:05