

俚语 emanni


A beautiful Hawaiian Queen known for perfectly manicured nails and amazing personality
She's such an Emanni. Her nails are perfect, she much be Emanni.


She's kind of hot. But simply love to be friend with someone's boyfriend even she only claimed they're just bestfriend but still make the conflict. She is a humble person even she is rich. Everyone loves to be friend with her.
K : do you know tht hot humble girl?
A : of course who doesn't. She's Emanni. I think you're bestfriend with her right?

K : err, if tht's true, why?
A : Hmph, just please dont be too close to her if you're still want to be with me.

K : *what the fuck should i do now?*




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更新时间:2024/6/3 8:48:05