

俚语 emasculism


A form of feminism that primarily focuses on diminishing men--in contrast to elevating women--as a means to achieve equality between the sexes. Often a consequence of viewing such equality as a zero-sum game; that one's loss is the other's gain.
Kate: As a feminist, how do you feel about manspreading?
Jane: It's annoying, sure, but actually I would put that under emasculism, not feminism.


1. The removal of the penis and testicles. (removal of the testicles alone is called Castration)

2. Metaphorically, the removal of a male ego, pride, empowerment. Making a man subservient or in a 'feminine' role.
In the middle ages, emasculation was a form of punishment and public humiliation along with being hanged, drawn and quartered.


Castrate, expurgate, to render effiminent. To remove the (male) genitals from.
He was mentally emasculated by the harsh tone in her voice.


To have been rendered less of a man, or been made to feel much less of a man through humiliation. This term is most often used to describe a male douchebag who has been pussywhipped by his woman.
The fact that lame Ed has chosen to neglect his friends and be home before midnight on a Friday night is proof that he has allowed himself to become completely emasculated by his girlfriend.


a woman that demasculates a man so much that his penis literally shrivels up and becomes utterly useless.
Jen was such a Emasculator to her husband so much that he can no longer make sex to her. She regrets being so bitchy now.


One who's life partner of the fairer sex earns a significantly greater level of income.
Gossiper 1: "JK Criffo is emasculated."
Gossiper 2: "*laughs* YEAH, he gets rogered by his wife with the 12 inch black latex strap-on!"


A verb that describes what happens to the game of football when the "Tuck Rule," a.k.a. the "Tom Brady Rule," is applied to a play that is clearly a fumble.
Don't emasculate the game by giving in to the whiny complaints employed by fans of that pussy Tom Brady!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:56:40