

俚语 emphartically


Describes a forcefully-presented monologue which includes one or more "raspy releases" emitted by the speaker, seemingly in an effort to add extra impact and credence to whatever was being said. Usually has the complete opposite effect (i.e., it actually reduces the perceived value/validity/interest of said speech) in the ears of its listeners, of course, since their disgusted and/or amused reactions to said anal indiscretion causes them to largely forget/disregard the actual content of said verbal presentation.
Making an emphartically-charged statement can also sometimes have a decidedly UNdesired "attention-drawing" effect on something you're saying, of course --- if you are either NOT trying to draw attention to yourself while speaking with someone and/or you are wanting to "slip one by him" (i.e., casually mention something that you hope he will agree to without really paying too much attention to what you're actually suggesting/requesting), "letting a loud one" can really mess up your plans, since it may cause others in your vicinity to notice and pay attention to you more than they had been before, ruining your efforts to "keep a low profile".




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:34:05