

俚语 endor


Secluded in a remote corner of the Outer Rim Territories, the gas giant Endor and its verdant moon of the same name would easily have been overlooked by a busy galaxy were it not for the decisive battle that occurred there. Endor serves as the gravesite of both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. It was here that the Rebel Alliance began the path of victory over the Galactic Empire.

Endor was the secret construction site for the second Death Star. Code-named the Sanctuary Moon, Endor was a green jewel that stood out against the dark reaches of space. Rivers wind through the thick canopy of ancient trees, and the forests extend high over the dark floors and the low mountains of the world.

Built in a clearing on the moon was an Imperial installation protected by an entire legion of Imperial troops. A massive shield generator projected a deflector shield around the half-completed Death Star. A daring Rebel strike team, under the command of General Han Solo, was assigned to destroy the generator. With the assistance of the native Ewoks, the Rebels defeated the Imperial troops, paving the way for a victorious space battle. This historic engagement is known as the Battle of Endor.
Related: Ewok Death Star II


To passionately endorse with an emotional advocation.
To be extremely fond of, beyond adoration.
She endores chocolate; she ate an entire tub of icing with chocolate chips and fudge sauce mixed in. For breakfast.
His sassiness is endorable!
It cannot possibly be a typo, because he endores proper spelling and grammar.
He finds her conspicuous absence of pants endorable.


Secluded in a remote corner of the Outer Rim Territories, the gas giant Endor and its verdant moon of the same name would easily have been overlooked by a busy galaxy were it not for the decisive battle that occurred there. Endor serves as the gravesite of both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. It was here that the Rebel Alliance began the path of victory over the Galactic Empire.

Endor was the secret construction site for the second Death Star. Codenamed the Sanctuary Moon, Endor was a green jewel that stood out against the dark reaches of space. Rivers wind through the thick canopy of ancient trees, and the forests extend high over the dark floors and the low mountains of the world.

Built in a clearing on the moon was an Imperial installation protected by an entire legion of Imperial troops. A massive shield generator projected a deflector shield around the half-completed Death Star. A daring Rebel strike team, under the command of General Han Solo, was assigned to destroy the generator. With the assistance of the native Ewoks, the Rebels defeated the Imperial troops, paving the way for a victorious space battle. This historic engagement is known as the Battle of Endor.
Related: --Death Star II-- --Ewok--

furnace of endor

First entered the vernacular on Metroboards.com. This term, taken from the name of an old Confederate-owned iron smelting furnace in Lee County, refers to the processes of the human digestive tract and the resulting noxious gaseous emmisions. Allusions to the odour of burnt Ewok hair and flesh are apparent.
"I'd better sleep on the couch, honey; those tacos will have the furnace of endor smelting all night."

Endor Brake Manoeuvre

To brake abruptly as the target of a high speed chase, as to force your pursuers to vastly overshoot you, ram one another, or collide with an oncoming object.

The phrase “Endor Brake” comes from a popular example of the manoeuvre’s use, in Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi.
“How did you escape the FBI so easily?”

“It was simple, I gave them the old Endor Brake Manoeuvre!”




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