

俚语 eneli


Eneli is the most beautiful girl although she thinks of herself as ugly. She can be very loving but she is also sensitive. Once she has been in an unhealthy relationship for a long time, she choses to stay in it and not move on. Even if her boyfriend doesn’t respect her, her heart is big enough to forgive and love a man with great passion. Eneli is also the best friend you could ever ask for. She’s smart, funny, weird but I’m a good way. Eneli may have an attitude but is always there for someone when they need her.
“I did her wrong and sheforgave me.. that’s weird”



A sexy Turkish name that is willing to do anything and everything to help someone.
Enes your sexy lets go out



A beautiful and caring female who relates well with people. She's cute, dramatic, very smart and free spirited.

She's the most important girl in everybody's live. She's a mother
Ene helped me out in our maths quiz


An awesome, sweet, and funny kid. Get yourself one.
“Omg an Enes?? I want one!!”


the most indecisive and crazy bitch you’ll ever meet but she’s hot asf so it’s all okay
That girl is so hot but she has a beer and vodka in her hand, must be ened.


"The most interesting, fascinating, wise, quick-thinking, intelligent, prudent, beautiful, hot, sexy, sensual, empathetic, mysterious, warm and consuming person in the entire bloody universe" and people that know her are the luckiest people to ever exist in the same time as her.

Not to be confused with "Anne"
"I met lady En today. She seems so selfless and humble."
"You are very lucky to know her. She is everything !"


A word.
Freddie Mercury said that it's a word while playing Scrabble, so it is a word.
Brian: Fred that's not a word.
Fred: No of course EN is a word!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:23:28