someone who thinks something is owed to them by life in general; or because they are who they are
I had a friend who would never work on her birthday, and throw hissy fits when things didn't go her way- what a brat- had a huge sense of entitlement
When someone thinks they are owed something by life; they should get things just because they are who they are, or how instafamous they are.
I know a wanna be racer, who thought everyone should give things to him because of how cool he was on instagram. Ha, what a loser with a sense of entitlement.
when someone thinks they are owed something by life; they should get things just because they are who they are
I still can't get over the hissy fit she threw over having to drive herself to the party- what a sense of entitlement- her ego is hunormous
entitlement: something all North American females have a massive sense of.
"If I sleep with a banana, it is empowering, if I sleep with you it is empowering, if I sleep with a woman it is empowering, if I dump you it is empowering, if I am mean to you it is empowering...oh, and if I am nice to you and stay with you it is not empowering."
A freebie promised to women, poofters, Mexicans, and guys of color to get them to vote for you. If you win, you tax the pants off all honest, hard working decent people to pay for these entitlements.
Ah wants me some o dem entitlement! Ah's gwine to vote fo Hillary! Yassuh!
Believing you are automatically owed something by society thanks to lies from Democrats, Socialists and Liberals. Usually comes in the form of handouts: universal healthcare, the redistribution of wealth, reparations for blacks, reverse discrimination against whites to benefit blacks, politicans voting themselves a payraise in the middle of the night, athletes getting paid $200 million for their "talent", affirmative action, welfare, social security, etc.
Entitlement has taght Generation-X and Generation-Y that they can have a lavish lifestyle of materialism that it took their parents YEARS to achieve. Young people (under 30) now have record debt as a result, and are buying homes they can’t afford, cars they can’t pay for and credit cards they can’t pay off. Entitlement has led them to having to live with mommy and daddy ‘til things improve financially.
Entitlement has taght Generation-X and Generation-Y that they can have a lavish lifestyle of materialism that it took their parents YEARS to achieve. Young people (under 30) now have record debt as a result, and are buying homes they can’t afford, cars they can’t pay for and credit cards they can’t pay off. Entitlement has led them to having to live with mommy and daddy ‘til things improve financially.
Entitlement is the biggest problem with America today and is the soul cause of materialism.Entitlement has taght Generation-X and Generation-Y that they can have a lavish lifestyle of materialism that it took their parentst YEARS to achieve. Young people (under 30) now have record debt as a result, and are buying homes they can’t afford, cars they can’t pay for and credit cards they can’t pay off. Entitlement has led them to having to live with mommy and daddy ‘til things improve financially.
1. A common ailment of fanboys and fangirls; Such individuals believe that because they watch a program, buy a product, or attend a show that they are on the same level as the person (or people) who worked on the entertainment that they enjoy. Whenever things don't turn out how they think it should, they bitch, whine, and complain.
2. A common ailment of some persons who identify as white; Some may claim that they do not see race (i.e. say they are colorblind), but they'll inevitably cry about blacks being criminals, browns being illegals, and reds being corrupt casino owners. A few may have token praise for the yellows being responsible and better than those other not-so-Model Minorities. They are fans of stereotypes. Such individuals believe that they are completely flawless and often go out of their way to point out the flaws in others. They love treating a few people as representations of everyone they hate. Whenever they don't get a job, it's because of affirmative action. When they don't pass a test, it's because the teacher was being mean. When someone calls them out for having a stupid opinion, it's the fault of political correctness, liberals, Satan, fascists, etc. No matter what they do, it's always someone else's fault.
Both definitions tend to have individuals who match both types of entitlement. If you encounter such individuals, make sure to mock and troll them to no end for lulz.
2. A common ailment of some persons who identify as white; Some may claim that they do not see race (i.e. say they are colorblind), but they'll inevitably cry about blacks being criminals, browns being illegals, and reds being corrupt casino owners. A few may have token praise for the yellows being responsible and better than those other not-so-Model Minorities. They are fans of stereotypes. Such individuals believe that they are completely flawless and often go out of their way to point out the flaws in others. They love treating a few people as representations of everyone they hate. Whenever they don't get a job, it's because of affirmative action. When they don't pass a test, it's because the teacher was being mean. When someone calls them out for having a stupid opinion, it's the fault of political correctness, liberals, Satan, fascists, etc. No matter what they do, it's always someone else's fault.
Both definitions tend to have individuals who match both types of entitlement. If you encounter such individuals, make sure to mock and troll them to no end for lulz.
Damnit, I've been a long time fan for a long time! *insert person here* should cater to MY demands and if they don't I'm going to make a massive ass out of myself online! I won't stop watching. I won't stop reading. I will however keep going on and on and on about how my *favorite series/one true pairing/whatever* is forever ruined. My head is big, my brain is small, and I have a ridiculous sense of entitlement!
Damnit, I'm a REAL American and everyone on this planet should bow to me! I DESERVED THAT *insert position here* and if I don't get I'm going to *whine/babble on Fox News/glare at black people/drag my useless ass to a Tea Party protest*! My head is big, my brain is small, and I have a ridiculous sense of entitlement!
Damnit, I've been a long time fan for a long time! *insert person here* should cater to MY demands and if they don't I'm going to make a massive ass out of myself online! I won't stop watching. I won't stop reading. I will however keep going on and on and on about how my *favorite series/one true pairing/whatever* is forever ruined. My head is big, my brain is small, and I have a ridiculous sense of entitlement!
Damnit, I'm a REAL American and everyone on this planet should bow to me! I DESERVED THAT *insert position here* and if I don't get I'm going to *whine/babble on Fox News/glare at black people/drag my useless ass to a Tea Party protest*! My head is big, my brain is small, and I have a ridiculous sense of entitlement!