

俚语 environati


1. Any of various groups claiming special environmental enlightenment.

2. persons who claim to be unusually enlightened regarding the environment, climate change, or any new-age nature-based religion (usu. one that worships some kind of earth goddess) that serves as religious justification for extreme environmentalism.

3. The educated, fanatical, and self-righteous members within the larger environmentalist movement.
1. While most people agree that climate change is a real, man-made phenomenon, the Environati continually refuse to acknowledge the argument that cutting carbon to 1950s levels would plunge the world economy into a global depression.

2. The Environati is claiming another victory today after the city council agreed to tax the holy shit out of residents in order to fund construction of a light rail transit system that no one will ever use.

3. "The Environati was protesting genetically modified crops outside Safeway again today. I told one of them that going back to organic agriculture would result in the starvation of 2 billion people, but he just mumbled something about 'Frankenfood' and handed me a flier."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:32:37