

俚语 allysus


Known as what Harmonizers tell each other when reading smut, that they needs Allysus. (Jesus version of Ally Brooke Hernandez from Fifth Harmony)
Camren shipper reading smut: This is so hot
Holy Camren shipper that does not read such nasty work: Mann you need Allysus


Allysus is known for being Fifth Harmony’s goddess. Her original name is Ally Brooke and she is even more than a Queen. She’s gonna be watching you till the day you die so be careful not to make her angry, so just pray a lot, buy some holly water and try not to fall for Allysin.
God bless you.
Normal person: hey do you believe in god?
Harmonizer: bitch, god is a woman, and her name is Allysus




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:14:44