

俚语 epically awesome

Epically Awesome

Something that is lightyears beyond being able to be described as awesome because it is so epic. Pretty much if something is this awesome, it is win. For reference, pretty much this can only describe one person in the world. Pretty much the only living thing known to this universe that can be described as this is Sam. End of Discusion.
Of course Sam's going to get that job. She's so epically awesome the manager would have to be a complete imbecille to not give it to her.

Epic Awesome Sauce

Greater Than "Normal" Awesome Sauce. Can be used as a sign of Approval or joke.
Much, much better the "Pedo Bear Approval"

Epic Awesome Sauce describes awesome like never before. It also goes great with tacos.

Requires Level 80
The pseudonym, eGoWaffles, is Epic Awesome Sauce.

"Dude, my Gaming Rig is Awesome Sauce"
"Pssh, mine is Awesome Sauce in a way that your's will never be."
"Yeah? How's that?"
"It's EPIC Awesome Sauce"

Epic Awesome Pwnage Success

Super awesome, epic ass kicking / owning, success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Epic Girl experienced the best kind of success, EPIC AWESOME PWNAGE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesomely Epic

More Epic than Awesome and More Awesome than Epic
I'm so Awesomely Epic!
No your not. Dick.

Awesome Epic Guys

Two twitch streamers, well known for their high quality content and their exceptionally large cucumbers.
"I watch Awesome Epic Guys."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:50:27