

俚语 epic win

Epic win

An incredible success so fantastic that long poems would be written about it in the future.
Person 1: "I just baked 30 minute brownies in 20 minutes."

Person 2: "Epic win."

epic win

A win so great,so awesome that it is EPIC.
May also be used to describe something very nice and enjoyed.
Random Guy on 4chan: lulz!::posts Chechclear::
Me: O.O
4channer:EPIC WIN.

::I see someone get kicked in the head::
Me:Epic win.

Epic Win

A win or victory of some nature which falls in the following categories
-An overwhelming Victory over an opponent
-A victory thats been snatched from the jaws of defeat
-An unexpected victory from an underdog
-Something fantastic thats happened or worked out unexpectably well
Guy 1:How the hell did you do that!?
Guy 2:It was a good win yes
Guy 1:No, it was more than that, it was an Epic Win!

Epic Win

The greatest possible way for man to succeed ay anything.

Contradictory to Epic Fail
Dude, Who is that Guy?

Hell if I know

What's his Score?

306 kills and 2 deaths

Epic Win

Epic Win

What you shout while on Amphetamines.
Epic Win!

Epic Win

Adj. Something or someone that is amazing or 'win';
Person 1: Rachel Smith was epic win!
Person 2: Yeah, she's pretty amazing!

Epic Win

Adj. -An expression of happiness and/or elation and/or awe at an event that has taken place.
"Hey, that test today was canceled!" "Alright! Epic win!"

"Did you see how far I kicked that?" "Wow, that was a pretty epic win move right there."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:12:27