

俚语 equan


A trait shared by two or more objects having the same quantity, but not necessarily sharing the same other qualities.

Quality -> Equal -> Equality
Quantity -> Equan -> Equantity

Two cereal boxes of different brands may not share the same box artwork, cereal flavor or type, but they have the same amount of cereal in them - Therefore, they are equan.
1 - Dude, those two vending machines are equan.

2 - What?


The state of being clean.
This room is so equans
This kitchen is so un-equans
You can also say this kitchen is not equans


A very stutterful person that likes to annoy the heck out of their friends and break bases in Minecraft, they're also a very light and kind-hearted towards their fellow comrades without showing. (ps. fight me)
Jai-Equan you fatass


Adhering to peoples individual needs.
2 people-

Person1, has bad vision
Person2, has good vision
Equality- giving them both glasses

EQUANITY- giving the person who has bad vision glasses.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:16:44