

俚语 erasmo


such a handsome boy with a big heart. he will always be there for u no matter what. he doesn’t give up on u like EVER. although, he can be an asshole sometimes. he can be sarcastic a lot but is really funny. he’s very smart but acts like he’s dumb. he can be loyal sometimes. he’s amazing overall and if you know an erasmo you’re very luckyyy.
“oh my that erasmo guy is so so so cute I’m in loveeeee”


A Mexican , usually tall and mature . Likes older women and doesn't play gay shit .
What's your uncle's name?
Ohh it's erasmo


A Latino/Mexican who works at the taco stand downtown. Makes good tacos.
Mexican Latino QuesoFresco erasmo


1. Something you do during sex. Or a feeling you get during sex.
2. A name given to a child with parents that lack creativity.
1. I just had the best erasmo last night!!
2. Whats your name? Erasmo. Oh well my name is FABULOUS!


The most handsome guy you could ever meet. He is tall, dark hair, and Chicano/Mexican. He shows his emotions when he really enjoys someone’s company and he is very mature. When you have ability to his heart do not take it for granted because it’s genuine.
(Person 1) “yo do you know erasmo? “
(Person 2)” yeah he’s a cutie I lowkey fell in love at first sight”


A name that means to be a getto Mexican. A name that means to be a player: asshole. When he flirts he gets ugly haircuts so girls can like him on the inside not the outside. He usually speaks Spanish or German. He is a very helpful, funny, and very very very romantic ;).
Nobody wants to be an Erasmo.

Kacy likes Erasmo.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:46:51