erythem method
A regimen of dubious reputation for supposedly avoiding/minimizing the risk of sunburn that entails careful "spacing" of your periods of time in direct sunlight, and limiting your length of exposure each time. May or may not be successful/effective, depending on how sensitive your skin is, and/or at what latitude you live.
That bu**s**t erythem method may work for some people, but all it did for me was make me red as a lobster and miserably hot and scratchy while tossing and turning in bed at night!
A music group from "Merry ol' England" that produced music so "sunshiningly hot and brilliant" that their audiences would actually get a sunburn.
I don't tan very well, so I think I had better not attend any Erythemics concerts in person; wonder if you can get a sunburn from just watching them on DVD?