when everyone sends streaks with “esb” it means “everyone snap back”
Streaks esb
Star Wars (Empire Stikes Back)
Lando is pretty awesome in ESB
Eat shit Bitch
Uggito go ESB before I knock you out!!
Josesillo ESB, you suck at madden!
Josesillo ESB, you suck at madden!
ESB - Emotional Support Buddy
A friend that goes to you with their problems as you go to them with yours
A friend that goes to you with their problems as you go to them with yours
hey mates, kinda not doing to well, Kinda need an ESB right about now.
Extreme Semen Backup
"Dude, I've so got ESB... I haven't been laid in a week."
An ancronym for Excessive Sperm Build-up (aka Blue Balls).
Ted just couldn't handle his ESB any more; he told his wife to screw off and went to the titty bars.
Extra special bonus sex or Extra Special Bum Sex
Dude, I took my girl out for dinner and Paid... That should earn me ESBS!