

俚语 esbbd


End Stage Benjamin Button Disease (ESBBD)

Occurring in previously alpha type males, commonly high school heroes, that have since lost their ways in directions such as books, medical school, irrelevant network programs, and geriatric practices. As the name implies, ESBBD is a phenomenon where said male loses over 50% of his high school weight/muscle mass and continues to atrophy as time goes on. Said male no longer enjoys lifting, eating, or bro-ing out with his bros anymore. This disease is also connected with existential struggles, depression, and severe whippeditude with wife and in general. Soon this affected male will disappear into thin air as his mass slowly but steadily approaches nothing. It is best to pray for affected individuals as there is no known cure.
Bro1: Have you heard Chris? Josh isn't the same anymore :((
Bro2: Yea Merrit...I've noticed. He's got ESBBD. Pray for him bro.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:39:48