Noun: end of the world, end of all time, climax of history.
A: "Not unless tofu marginalized the world economy"
B: "What a distubing eschaton"
B: "What a distubing eschaton"
One of the most popular, left leaning political blog sites with over 125k visitors per day. The site is maintained by Atrios aka. Duncan Black, an ex-economist turned media consultant.
Have you visted Eschaton or DailyKos lately?
Looking forward to better times or a pick-me-up after the end of something. A portmanteau word contrived from 'eschatology' and 'tonic'.
Eschatology is the study of the various end of times religious beliefs. In some religions the Eschaton is the bringer of the end of times.
Eschatology is the study of the various end of times religious beliefs. In some religions the Eschaton is the bringer of the end of times.
In truth his divorce was eschatonic.
immanentize the eschaton
Hurry, so that we can IMMANENTIZE THE ESCHATON!