

俚语 esoter


A secret. Derived from the word: esoteric(an adj). This is the noun form. Usualy like a secret mesage.
Here's an esoter... don't tell anyone else what it says.

Hey, there's an esoter goin' round that you got like ten STD's.


1. Of or relating to that which is known by a restricted number of people.

2. Delicious
Lois: It's geat they picked your theme, but isn't it a little esoteric?
Peter: Esoteric?
In Peter's Brain
Guy1: Could it mean sexy?
Guy2: I think it's a science term.
Guy3: Fellas, fellas! Esoteric means delicious!
back to the real world
Peter: Lois, Who's the Boss is not a food.
Brian: Swing and a miss.
- Family Guy 14/13


Understood by or meant for only a select few.
The band Chameleon Circuit was esoteric to Dr Who fans.


1)understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite.
2)belonging to the select few.
3)private; secret;confidential.
TRISHA: and the winning theme is 'That Episode of Whos the Boss Where Tony Sees Rachael Naked in the Shower.
PETER: YES! That's mine! un-freakin-believable!
LOIS: Peter, isn't that somewhat esoteric?
PETER: Lois, Whos the Boss isn't a food.


A grand statement in a meeting that alienates your managers and peers leaving everyone in a state of awkward disbelief and silience.
His esoteric statment caused such and uncomfortable vibe in the room that the meeting could not contiinue.


Esoteric means any information that is uncommon, or only known by a few.
Have you ever visited Get Esoterics website at getesoteric


When something becomes too intellectual to be fun anymore
The process of creating this post became so esoteric that I nearly gave up on it.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:51:38