

俚语 evaly


A kind and warm hearted gal who is also a great friend. Pretty inside and out! She can be shy but outgoing once you get to know her. Loves puns, coffee, dogs, and chocolate. She will stand up for you and doesn’t like rude/snobby people. Very smart and awesome to be around. Everyone should get to know Evalys!!
Friend: hey why did the mushroom go to the party

Evalys: because he was a FUN-GI

Friend: I have some chocolate with me
Evalys: did somebody say CHOCOLATE???!

Friend 1: Who’s someone that you can trust and know will be there for you?
Friend 2: Oh, yes. Evalys!


Evalis is known to be a beautiful girl she can be shy but when she is comfortable with ur friendships then she will lighten up, she is,also known to be real pretty and she gets a lit of boys an girls
Evalis u get a lot of girls and boys


Evalie is a beautiful girl with the biggest heart. She loves her friends and would do anything for them. She is goofy, kind, funny, smart, and outgoing. If you ever meet an Evalie don’t let her go
That girl is so beautiful, I bet her names Evalie!


Someone who hates how little entries her name has.
"WHY DID MY MOM NAME ME EVALY I- did you know only 12 people are named Evaly in the Netherlands?"


A fake sickness invented in 2019 to scare people into going back to smoking. A few people were vaping illegal basement weed-oil cartridges, got sick, so the media branded the new sickness "Evali" and stated that anyone vaping is at risk. Of course, noone was at risk except for people vaping the illegal cartridges
"I think I should go back to cigarettes; I would rather die from smoking related diseases than from Evali from Vaping"
"Don't be silly; you can't develop Evali from vaping, unless you are vaping illegal weed vapes"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:39:01