A Valleys comedy duo famed for 'The Tom O'Gormliss Interview'. Mr O'Gormliss interviews various comedians or broadcasters, who are voiced by his friend Champniss.
O'G: You know you used to call it the Mary Whitehouse Experience?
Baddiel: Yeah, yeah
O'G:...W..I can'...What was the experience? Right, 1, A, right...no...no...no...yeah, what?
B:I was just gonna say that I think more or less the all the cast sort of written of that name since.
O'G:Yeah but you writ it on before you writ off so why writ it on..you're gonna blam it on cunt-Punt
O'G: You know you used to call it the Mary Whitehouse Experience?
Baddiel: Yeah, yeah
O'G:...W..I can'...What was the experience? Right, 1, A, right...no...no...no...yeah, what?
B:I was just gonna say that I think more or less the all the cast sort of written of that name since.
O'G:Yeah but you writ it on before you writ off so why writ it on..you're gonna blam it on cunt-Punt