evly.com is the first crowdsourcing social network allowing registered users to connect to existing communities and create new communities of like-minded people, with the intent of sourcing specific solutions from evly communities for free.
evly is a social network platform that also provides a free customised drag-and-drop website builder that allows registered users to easily and quickly build their own crowdsourcing websites and source solutions for anything from different target communities.
Crowdsourcing with evly can be used for market research, opinion polling, voting, innovation, collaborative problem-solving, outsourcing, etc. It has unlimited possibilities.
evly is a social network platform that also provides a free customised drag-and-drop website builder that allows registered users to easily and quickly build their own crowdsourcing websites and source solutions for anything from different target communities.
Crowdsourcing with evly can be used for market research, opinion polling, voting, innovation, collaborative problem-solving, outsourcing, etc. It has unlimited possibilities.
Examples of crowdsourcing uses:
evly.com - build your own websites with the purpose of sourcing solutions from specific crowds and online communities.
Springleap.com - crowdsourcing graphic t-shirt designs from designers around the world through online bi-weekly competitions, and getting the online community to vote for their favourite design, which is then printed and sold.
Idols - asking people to vote for their favourite performer.
Naming - letting the crowd recommend and decide on a name for your business/brand/child/pet/etc.
crowdfunding - approaching a crowd to help fund a specific project, or asking them to help you find funders, ideas to source funds etc.
Design crowdsourcing - many companies use online crowdsourcing to find the best design ideas for new logos, brands, names, campaigns, websites, product development, etc.
evly.com - build your own websites with the purpose of sourcing solutions from specific crowds and online communities.
Springleap.com - crowdsourcing graphic t-shirt designs from designers around the world through online bi-weekly competitions, and getting the online community to vote for their favourite design, which is then printed and sold.
Idols - asking people to vote for their favourite performer.
Naming - letting the crowd recommend and decide on a name for your business/brand/child/pet/etc.
crowdfunding - approaching a crowd to help fund a specific project, or asking them to help you find funders, ideas to source funds etc.
Design crowdsourcing - many companies use online crowdsourcing to find the best design ideas for new logos, brands, names, campaigns, websites, product development, etc.