

俚语 examers


generally, people who write exams
Person1: good luck examers
#2: what are examers?
#1: people who write exams...:P


a form of torture that comes twice a year, usually before something enjoyable (i.e. Winter Break, Summer break.), in which a student will learn about the material on the test, while taking the test.
Student 1: "Dude, I can't wait for Christmas!!"
Student 2:" I'm not, we have Exams!"


A rather large test spawned from the deep fiery pits of hell. If one fails the exam, it is known to pull the grade down, therefore causing an inhuman build up of stress.
Shit dude, I bombed that exam.


A form of hell that is praised by teachers and parents that is used for conventional torture of students. The most used google search during exam week is "how to commit suicide with no chance of survival"


the only thing that always ruin my life ... the destroyer! the ultimate fuckin' exam always stuck my head down! the term used aside from the word suffer! and the word next to sorrow .. the word next to grief! the word next to burden!!
ohhhh i cant wait to suffer today for my exams..


stupid bollocks that piss off everyone.
exams should be abolished for the welfare of all teenagers (especially those with depressive streaks like Lacey).


the teachers excuse to make you work your butts off and fry your brains so they can take time off marking homework while youre revising and go to flash parties
"ugh my brain...ive been doing to many exams..."

"ok kids, your exams are coming up so no more homework! Just lots of revision."




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