

俚语 excessive boondoggle

excessive boondoggle

Any number of activities of or pertaining to the gross misuse of government funds. These activities may include but are not limited to: Using chartered airplanes to fly the entire length of a country, only to turn around the following morning and fly back to the same location because you felt guilty about staying in a location that may be perceived as non-work related by people that do not have any direct influence over you.
Hey, I woke up today and felt so guilty about not doing anything, that I decided to cost the government even more money than they are already spending to fly myself back to a location that I don't have anything to do at, so I can fly back to the original location the next day just so I can fulfill my need to excessively boondoggle. Man do I feel better about myself now. Excessive boondoggle




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:22:44