when someone called andrea get so crazy happy, that she forgets that she's on earth. Is not infectious
<person1> andrea im gonna posses ur husband and own you..
<andrea>HAHAHAHAHAH THATS excitingment, YOU'D excitingment ME ALOT.
<andrea>HAHAHAHAHAH THATS excitingment, YOU'D excitingment ME ALOT.
its something that interesting that it just cant be described
Max: Hey what are you doing?
Eve: Actually what 99% of the people inside here are doing. Have a guess!
Max: Maybe music, chilling on the bed and chatting?
Eve: Haha yeah. We all must have that interesting lives!
Max: Yes i nearly die of excitingness
Eve: Actually what 99% of the people inside here are doing. Have a guess!
Max: Maybe music, chilling on the bed and chatting?
Eve: Haha yeah. We all must have that interesting lives!
Max: Yes i nearly die of excitingness