the kneecaps of your legs that are behind your eyes. you may get headaches from your eyelegs hitting ypur brain.
you better publish this or I swear- i will eat your eyecaps if you don't- and don't think I won't.
back slang for paki, when the word paki is unmentionable in audible conversation. it should probably be written "ikap" but the word eyecap can be physically inferred by covering one eye with your hand - thus forming an "eye cap"
is your friend indian or an eyecap? (the word eyecap is not said out loud, it is inferred by covering one eye with a hand)
back slang for paki, when the word paki is unmentionable in audible conversation. it should probably be written "ikap" but the word eyecap can be physically inferred by covering one eye with your hand - thus forming an "eye cap"
is your friend indian or an eyecap? (the word eyecap is not said out loud, it is inferred by covering one eye with a hand)