

俚语 eye-red

are my eyes red

Something freshman's say when they're high. Or they're on something that would intoxicate them and make their eyes red. For example DAT ZAZA!!!
(X went to the bathroom for 15 minutes and x comes out)
X: “yo bro are my eyes red”
Y: “nah your good”

red eye

1. A late night airline filght.
2. A type of whiskey consumed in the old west.
3. Your asshole.
1. "I caught the red eye from Detroit."
2. "Bartender, a shot of red eye."
3. "Put your cheeks together. I can see your red eye."

red eyes

what you get after you blaze
"why do you have red eyes?"
"I just blazed dude"

red eye

The fiery, burning sensation in the anus during defecation due to the consumption of extraordinarily spicy cuisine.
While he somehow managed to avoid throwing up the shot of Vodka with a drop of Mad Dog Inferno hot sauce, the following morning he suffered a blistering bout of red eye.

red eye

when someone is stoned and there eyes change colour to red.
you've got bad red eye

red eye

when you moon someone and within that act you open your butt cheeks to expose your asshole
it's fun to give passing cars a red eye on the bronx river parkway

red eyes

The after-effect of ejaculating on a woman's eyes.(Intentional or otherwise)
Dave B gave that bitch the red eyes last night because she was a starfish and just laid in bed.




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