

俚语 fab moretti

fab moretti

he is the sexiest drummer on planet earth.he's the measurement of all things gorgeous
plus, he´s hell of a drummer.
fab moretti is the modern adonis

fab moretti

one of the nicest guys ever. Is known for slow-dancing with fans on thier birthday, and even giving someone $50 for a cab ride home. Is increadibly goreous and very sweet.
Fab brings the rock.

fab moretti

Well, he may be a nice guy, but he's one hell of a boring drummer.
"Hey man you really need to get a new drumbeat down. Your'e pulling a bit of a Fab."

Fab Moretti

Incredibly hot drummer for the Strokes with the luckiest girlfriend in the world.
Fabrizio Moretti is like hot and stuff.

Fab Moretti

Extremely cool drummer for The Strokes. Gorgeous, great and wicked on the drums. I luff him muchly. Drew Barrymore is his girlfriend, lucky, lucky, lovely lady!
Fab Moretti has got a VERY lucky girlfriend!

Fab Moretti

Very cute drummer for groovy new band,the Strokes. Boyfriend of Drew Barrymore, lucky chick.
I dreamed that Fab Moretti kissed me.

Fab Moretti

Fab is a muy muy caliente babe from the most awesome band The Strokes. Fab makes me happy in my pants.
He doesn't know it yet, but he's MINE!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:15:53